School Social Work
No solution far and wide - visit school social work!
How do we work?
Together with the school, school social work supports the individual and social development of children of primary school age. It is a child and youth welfare service and combines socio-educational approaches with the daily demands of school life. The aim is to closely link social work and school in order to provide children with easily accessible services at school.
At the Eilermark School, school social worker Jens Lammering provides support thanks to his many years of experience. By working together to develop structures for dealing with others, the children's self-confidence is strengthened and they are given tips on how to resolve conflict situations peacefully. School social work expands the school's services with additional opportunities and focal points, for example: more time for the individual child, no grading, help for families and prevention.
School social work aims to support and accompany children, families and teachers.
Who are we?
A somewhat crazy magician whose tricks don't always work but always make a difference. Sometimes, when he's too convinced of his abilities, he needs the children at school or his team to change his look.
The school social work team:
What are we doing?
- Is an offer for all children and parents of the school
- Sometimes spontaneous, but better by appointment
Class programs
- "Practice makes perfect..."
- In Year 1 - Introduction to dispute resolution and our guiding principles
- "The super class"
- On request in years 2-3 - Class community & cooperation
Individual support
- "I can do it" --> We go in search of happiness together, invent solutions and discover your hidden sources of strength.
Group offers
- "Stay relaxed" --> invent solutions, let off steam, fight fair
Child protection
- Contact and participation in the school's crisis and counseling team
Violence prevention/conflict resolution
- Class council, children's parliament & student representation
Why, why, why are we doing this?
- Because children and families sometimes experience crises and problems where additional support can be very helpful.
- Because the opportunities to participate, have a say and develop your own potential are not always distributed fairly and equally.
- Because cohesion in a (school) community does not always work naturally and by itself.
- Because it's fun to experience something together, to do something, to make a difference.
- Because it makes sense to find out at an early stage if something is going wrong and try to get back on track or stay on track together.
- Because children need special protection and adults who stand up for their rights.
...if you don't ask... it's difficult to help you.