The children paint objects for the beehive in the bee workshop



Where are the honeybees at Eilermark School?

In November 2023, the Eilermark School received two bee colonies, which have since been looked after by Ms. Nagel and Ms. Tillmann with the support of experienced beekeeper Klaus Jürgen van der Wals.

During the last school year, the children in the bee club learned a lot about the life and behavior of honey bees. The club offered them the opportunity not only to acquire theoretical knowledge, but also to get involved in practical work. The pupils helped diligently by painting the hives and soldering middle walls into the frames. Regular visits to the beehives allowed them to experience the fascinating world of bees. Neighbors of the Eilermark School and passers-by also showed great interest in the project and admired the beehives.

Unfortunately, the original location of the beehives on the fenced-in green area on Albrechtstrasse turned out to be unsuitable after a few months. The area was too windy. As a result, the bee colony was unable to develop as well as possible. It was therefore decided to move the bees to a more sheltered fall/winter location to allow them to recover.

But don't worry - the bees will return to the Eilermark School in the spring! The plan is to give them a new, more suitable location where they can develop optimally. In this way, the successful bee project will continue and the pupils will also be able to learn lots of exciting things about the life of bees and work with them in the future.