Last week, the winners of the election for the Eilermark School student council were announced:
All class representatives were able to voluntarily stand for election by submitting an application to our school social worker, Mr. Lammering.
In a secret ballot, all children at our school cast a vote for a candidate in their year.
Congratulations on winning the election:
Ben from year 1, Ella from year 2, Lena from year 3 and Freddy and David from year 4!
For the first time, there was a tie in Year 4 with two boys, so we now have five children on the SV instead of four. What is also special this year is that Lena was elected to the SV for the second time!
We look forward to you advising us on important tasks and contributing the opinions of the Eilermärker!
Many thanks also to all the brave class representatives who stood for election (and unfortunately did not win): Be proud of yourselves and your courage!
We would also like to take this opportunity to thank the parents of the children who stood for election for supporting our form of child participation in important issues and decisions in everyday school life!
Best regards
Jens Lammering (school social worker) and Jana Leuker (principal)